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   I recently experienced what Denise does and asked her a question about something that has been weighing heavily on me. The guidance that I received was absolutely clear and provided a 

sense of relief that my instincts about the situation were correct.


   I've had a lot of psychic readings in my life, and my barometer for a good one is pretty finely tuned at this point. So if I'm recommending someone, you know she is amazing!

                                                     ~H.R. Los Angeles

   I've been practicing Medical Qigong and Healing Touch for almost 30 years. I've known many healers along the way. Denise Bennett is one of my favorites. 

   I met her 4 years ago and she helped me many times. Just before my mother passed away, I called Denise to help with the grief. She surprised me when she tuned into my mother's spirit and began conveying thoughts and messages from her that were so helpful. It was a wonderful gift. She modestly said, "Oh yes, I do that sometimes."


  I love Denise. I recommend her highly. Plus, she loves animals.


                                                  ~G.H. Redwood City

  I have been getting readings from Denise since 2007. They are beautifully written, insightful, and truly helpful.


   Denise's readings were a tremendous blessing in the summer of 2013 when my precious dog  

companion of 10 years was nearing the end of her life. What a comfort they were and continue to be when I refer back to them or just think about that time and remember the general impression and beautiful way they were written.


  Whether you would like a message from the angels or your animal companion, Denise Bennett is the one to go to. Her uniquely beautiful style is truly a gift to be cherished.

                                                       ~D.F. Chicago

   This beautiful and heartfelt book is a helpful companion as one makes their way on their personal journey of health and healing.

   Denise has a truly approachable and comforting style that honors the individual reader's timing and process. She understands that self discovery and awareness are the keys to long term health and happiness.


   The wholesome and imaginative recipes provide sustenance for body, mind, and soul.

                                               ~Angelica del Mar,

    author, Messages From Your Animal Companion


   One day, a swarm of bees took up residence at the top of my chimney. My roommates were deathly afraid of them. I called Denise because I knew that she had a great understanding of 

bees, and because I'm completely committed to protecting them.


   The bees were flying down the chimney and into the living room and were frantically trying to escape. I closed the flue, which only seemed to make things worse. More and more of them were coming in. Denise suggested that I open the flue and all the doors. This seemed counter intuitive at the time, but I chose to trust her. Denise told me to remain calm and supportive of the bees, since they meant no harm.


  I followed her instructions and successfully ushered out 20+ bees from my living room. No more bees came inside and I was completely stunned to learn that they had left within half an hour... and I had handled the situation without a single loss of bee life.


  It was an amazing and very moving experience that I could communicate with these small creatures. Denise mentioned later that she believed the bees came to say hello and thank me for caring for one of their little fellows a week before; I had helped a bumblebee that was covered in mud after a rain.


  It was a very special experience... one that I will never forget. Please don't ever call an exterminator if you have bees at your home! Call Denise instead. There is no need for hundreds of bees to die.

                                                 ~J.B. Laguna Beach 


   I finished your book and wanted to thank you for stepping out and writing this lovely melody to raw food and our dear animal friends.


   I've come so far since we met and your book describes my journey in 

similar fashion. Now I can pass your book on to people who want to know what this journey provides in our ascension to greater health. Congratulations!


                                                           ~Michael A.

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